Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daddy - Daughter 5K

Bryan goes for a run with Sadie all the time in our jogging stroller, mostly around the neighborhood & just to get a work out it. He gets a little extra resistance pushing her & she thinks she's out for a joy ride :) This past Saturday morning they finally put those running skills to good use - Bryan ran in the Gary Burns Fun Run 5k with Sadie! This is an annual event & it's one of the biggest races in Frisco. It is thrown by the Frisco Education Foundation & all of the money raised goes towards student scholarships. Last I heard, there were close to 6,000 runners & a lot of those were kids. Normally I would run with them, but since I am 32 weeks pregnant, my doctor advised me not to run outside on the concrete anymore :( Instead, I dropped them off at the race, while I parked & cheered for them at the finish line. Here is Dadddy & Sadie before:
And I tried to catch a picture of them at the end crossing the finish line but they were going so fast! My camera caught Sadie, but chopped off Bryan - sorry about that!
As you can tell, Sadie was loving it! She was smiling the whole time & waving to everyone. I finally caught up with them after they cooled off & tried to get a better picture of the two of them:
As soon as Bryan slowed down, Sadie started taking off her shoes. That little stinker - I don't know why she doesn't like to keep her shoes on?!
Then we celebrated their finish by enjoying doughnuts, fresh fruit & hot cookies!
In case you noticed in one of the pictures above, all of the schools participated in different ways. Some of the choirs sang for entertainment during the race & all of the cheerleaders lined the course & cheered the runners to victory. Sadie saw the cheerleaders & sprinted over to their direction. Luckily they thought she was cute so they let her cheer with them :)
As soon as we left our race, we sprinted over to McKinney where my sister was still participating in her race. Bryan dropped me off by the finish line & I barely got there in time to see her finish:
I am sure she will blog about the experience herself with more details & lots of pictures, but I just want to make a shout out of how proud I am of her! She has been training for quite a while & this race had been her goal since the beginning. She has changed her whole lifestyle from the way she eats, drinks & exercises & she looks fantastic! I am so proud of you Natalie & can't wait to do a race with you after the baby is born. However, let's pick one that only entails running - I don't think I'm much for cycling long distances :)

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