Monday, October 28, 2013

Busy Weekend

Our busy weekend started on Thursday night when the Clayton Family pulled into town! Actually, they got here pretty late & all the kids were asleep, so the craziness didn't technically start until Friday morning :) Sadie had been invited to another Halloween pajama party so we went & we took Kason with us. The kids had a blast playing with all the other kids, jumping on the bounce house outside, eating all kinds of Halloween goodies, etc.

This was actually a play group from my pink table at MOPS last year, so I did a whole lot of visiting & not a lot of picture taking. Also, I was able to relax a little because I knew Sadie was following Kason around the whole time & he does a pretty good job watching out for her :)
We tried to get the obligatory group shot of all the kids in their Halloween pj's, but some had already left & others didn't feel like participating. I think there was about 13 or 14 kids there although you can't tell from this picture:
After the party, I stopped by Lowe's to run an errand. You would have thought Lowe's was more fun than the party! Who knew shopping in a race car at Lowe's could be so fun?!
I guess it's always more fun to shop/drive your car when you have your best friend with you :) And I might have looked like a crazy pregnant lady but I probably scored points for being the best mom/aunt ever because I pushed them down the aisle as fast I could. It was a wide empty aisle with no one there so I figured we would give that race car a chance!
Stay tuned for more blogs this week about the rest of our busy weekend. We had 2 races overs the weekend with Bryan & Natalie, the boys went to the UT/TCU football game & the girls worked in the nursery. But the best part of the whole weekend was our baby shower on Sunday afternoon! How's that for a teaser?!

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