Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Splashin' Good Time

We have 3 splash parks in Frisco & 2 of them have been closed this summer because we are on stage 3 water restrictions. Don't get me started - whose landscaping can survive 100 degree weather by only watering once a week?
Anyway, we have 1 splash park that is operated by a well, so it will remain open this summer. However, they were doing some reconstruction to the area, so it was closed until July 1. Of course now that it is open, everyone in Frisco wants to play there!
We had a MOPS play date there this week & I knew it would be crowded but that didn't stop Sadie! As soon as we got there she took off running for it. That's her in the bottom left hand side of the picture :) Of course she loves water so this was a great 2 hour spend of our time. Just check out some of her action shots:

I know, I am the crazy mom running around snapping pictures of her the whole time because she is just so dang cute!
We did see a lot of friends there, but at this age, they mostly run around by themselves. She did take a break to enjoy animal crackers when Olivia shared her snack:
and we tried to get the girls to play together but this was as close as they got:
As you can see Sadie had a blast & was pretty tuckered out when we left. I let her have a snack while we were there but when we got home she barely ate lunch because she was so ready for her nap!

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