Saturday, July 6, 2013

Freedom Festivities

We had a fun & relaxing July 4th this year. Last year we were out of town for the holiday, so it was nice to be home this year for a change. On Wednesday night, Bryan surprised me & Sadie by taking us out for pizza & snow cones. He said it was a holiday & we needed to celebrate! When we got home, we played in the front yard because one of our neighbors popped a few small fireworks in the street. This is when Sadie discovered one of the many flags I have outside the house - she thought it was just for her!

We kept trying to tell her that the flag couldn't touch the ground but I don't think she quite understood that yet :(
The next day, Bryan's Mom came over to spend the holiday with us. His father was on a mission trip out of the country so we were glad she came over to spend the night. We spent the afternoon & early evening with Bryan's family where we ate some good grub:
Jumped on the trampoline:
and jumped in the pool to cool off:


Sadie even learned how to dunk a basketball:

And in case you didn't see Sadie's adorable outfit:

My Granny made it for her! My sister picked out the pattern & the material & was having it made for my niece, but since there was extra material, she made one for Sadie as well. I took this second picture on purpose because I wanted everyone to see the cute ruffles on her bottom :) Thanks Natalie & Granny!
Sadie always loves hanging out with family - especially Carleeanna:
Our night didn't end there though, we left their house & went back to our house for fireworks. Our neighborhood had a big party & there's a big field by the pool where you can see the Frisco fireworks, so we went there to end the night. Sadie looked so cute riding in her red wagon & sitting on her Dad's shoulders for the fireworks display :) Too bad my phone died & I didn't get any pictures. She even stayed up until almost 11:00 that night! It was a long day, but worth it to celebrate our country's independence.

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