Thursday, June 13, 2013

Swim Flip Book

While my sister was here, she took some really good pictures of Sadie swimming. She took several & if you look at them shot by shot, it almost looks like a flip book. You know I have been bragging about her swimming lately, so I had to post these so you can visualize what our little swimmer looks like. We always start with her sitting on the side of the pool & then I use the same key words to get her to jump in on her own:

After she is in the water she will swim for 7-8 seconds by herself from the wall to me:

I can usually tell when it's time for her to come up because she starts lifting her hands up trying to find me. She does open her eyes under water so that helps. 


This next picture is my favorite because you can tell by the expression on her face that she loves being in the water! This is what we see most of the time :)

We've also taught her how to climb out of the pool on her own, in case she ever falls in. Granted she is kind of short so sometimes she needs a little assistance......

Thanks Nat for taking these pictures! I love them & can't wait to show them to her when she is older!

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