Thursday, June 13, 2013

One More Night.....

Last Friday when Natalie started packing up the bags, Kason was pretty disappointed because he was having so much fun he didn't want to go home! So, we sent Natalie & the two little ones away while Kason got to spend the night by himself with us :) You know that made Sadie happy! Bryan was actually in New York all week, so he didn't really get to spend much time with them. Since he was home on Friday & Saturday - he spoiled them! First he took them to eat Mexican food & then afterwards he took them to the park because that was Kason's only request:

The next morning he surprised them with doughnuts - another Kason favorite! This was Sadie's first time to try a doughnut & she loved it :)
Then we headed to meet some friends at:
The kids got to see a lot of animals:

Kason was so brave & he tried to touch almost everything - including a snake! We even went inside the petting zoo & he fed the animals:
Sadie on the other hand is getting more reserved the older she gets. She loves seeing the animals - from her Daddy's arms - not up close!

Every now & then she tried to climb into an exhibit, only when the animals were sleeping or were on the other side of the cage!
We also took a tram ride around the property where we stopped & fed the animals. It was pretty cool - the animals walked right up to the tram & you could touch them. Yet again, Kason was not scared & went right for them!
The rest of sat back & enjoyed the ride:

Our last stop at the ranch was to ride the barrel train. I am pretty sure the kids had a great time but I think Bryan's back was hurting when he got out :)
Of course all good things must come to an end, so after we left the ranch, we met Kason's grandparents to drop him off. He went & spent a few more days with them while Sadie went home alone. I think she missed him at first, but then she realized how exhausted she was from all of the traveling & playing over the past month & she finally crashed & burned. She is finally caught up on sleep & back to normal but it's not quite the same with just the 3 of us around the house again.....

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