Thursday, June 27, 2013


One of the fun things about being a stay at home Mom is taking advantage of all the really great summer deals around town. One of the things on my list for Sadie this summer is the $1 movies. There is a Cinemark Theater only 5 minutes from our house & they are playing animated children's movies every week this summer in the morning & it only cost $1. Since we tried out the movies with Natalie a few weeks ago, I thought I would try again. Even if she didn't last the entire time, I knew it would be worth it to get out of the summer heat.
This week's movie was Smurfs:
I have actually never seen it before, I so enjoyed watching something new. Although, I haven't seen a lot of children's movies, so I guess most of them will be new to me!
We invited our friends Jamie, Tatum & Byron to meet us & this was their first experience at the theater:
Their mom spoiled them & they got popcorn. Luckily my daughter doesn't know the difference yet, because I only brought her plain cheerios from home :) Unfortunately, our friends didn't last the entire movie, but Sadie did!
She did good the first hour & 15 minutes, then she got antsy. Luckily we were sitting close the aisle so I let her crawl around on the steps the last 20 minutes or so. She would crawl up & down & every once in a while she would stop, sit & watch the movie. The good news is that she didn't bother anyone because the whole movie theater was full of moms, kids, babies, etc. and there were lots of kids getting up & making noise. If you have never taken your child to a movie before, this is definitely the way to do it! I am sure Sadie & I will practice her movie skills several more times before the summer ends.

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