Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12th Month Update

Sadie had her 12th month check up with her pediatrician today & it looks like she is still a healthy little girl! She has exceeded all of her developmental milestones & has continued to grow physically. Here are her statistics:
Weight: 19.69 lbs., 48.65%
Height: 29", 42.98"
Head Circumference: 16.8", 4.97%
As you can see she is just below average for height & weight. She really hit a growth spurt once we started feeding her food & she has remained consistent for the past 3-4 months. Her head on the other hand is another story. She got her 2nd Doc-Band on yesterday & the reason we haven't been able to correct her plagiocephaly is due to the fact that her head isn't growing. She was 8% at her 9 month appointment & now she is less than 5%?! Her pediatrician was concerned so she spoke with a neurologist & apparently everything is fine. She is growing & developing in all other areas, she is just going to have a small head. While we were at her appointment, her doctor measured my head & apparently I am only in the 15% - who knew I had such a small head?! Come to think of it, I do have to buy my hats in the kids department because adult hats don't fit me. Sorry Sadie, but I guess you inherited that from me.....
Unfortunately she also had to get another round of shots while we were there. Since she was 1, they tried to distract her with a surprise:
A lollipop! At first she didn't know what to think about it, but then she figured out that she could eat it. Of course everything goes to her mouth these days, so that's not really a surprise!
Then she got so excited that she was showing it off to everyone:
That's when they tricked her & she got vaccinated. Poor thing! I couldn't help but take a picture of her pitiful face :(
Don't worry, the tears didn't last long & before she knew it she was in the car ready to go home with her lollipop again :)
This photo flip was for her Dad because he didn't make it to her appointment today. He has been right by her side at every doctor appointment since she was born & I think he was disappointed he couldn't be there.
On a side note, for those who are wondering if Sadie is walking yet, she is not. She has been cruising for a while now & can stand by herself pretty confidently. But she will only take a step or two & then she gets scared. Either that or she realizes that she can get around faster by crawling! I really think she can do it, it's just a matter of when. I really thought she would do it before her birthday, but we had no such luck, so I am sure it can be any day. She has learned how to throw a temper tantrum. Seriously? Already?! She stomps her little feet & throws her head back. She also sings & babbles all day long. She can easily say Mama & Dada & although she can't say Daisy, she recognizes her name & looks down on the ground for her whenever we say her name. She can clap, wave & high five, but we are trying to teach her how to blow kisses.
Sadie is still an avid eater who loves her meats & vegetables but still doesn't like fruit. She only drinks from sippy cups & we have started transitioning her from formula to whole milk. And my favorite thing is her sleep schedule. She easily sleeps 3 hours every afternoon & 12-13 every night. Our little girl loves her beauty sleep! She has 6 teeth - 4 on top & 2 on bottom & I love to see them every time she smiles. I can't believe how far she has come in the past 12 months & I look forward to watching her continue to grow & learn in the next year ahead!

1 comment:

  1. ;) time flies when they're that little...and it doesn't stop! she is precious, shaye! :)
