Friday, November 17, 2023

Girl Scout Camp - Fall 2023

For the second year, Sophie's girl scout troop planned a fall camping trip. She was so excited! And it was perfect timing because Sadie had soccer in Austin & San Antonio, so we traveled with her while Sophie was with her friends. This year they went to Camp Claussen in Oklahoma & it looked like a beautiful fall weekend:

Two moms took the girls & on the way, they stopped for dinner at Chick Fil A:

They prefer the fall campout because it is in cabins where as the spring camp out is in tents. I don't think that fits this group of girls!

They actually bunked with another troop from our school (they are a few years younger) but their troop leader is a teacher at our school, so the girls loved that!

It was a little chilly but they had no rain, so it was literally perfect weather for a fall retreat. They woke up early Saturday morning ready to go:

I have to throw a big shout out to Kimberlee & Rachel for sharing pictures all weekend. Nothing makes me happier than to see her in action with a smile on her face!

They did so many fun activities & I am always so proud of Sophie for trying because she is not our adventurous child. I believe they did archery, shot bb guns, went kayaking, rode horses & so much more:

Of course they ate a lot. Ha ha! I think between their 3 meals they had a lot of snacks & s'mores by the campfire that night:

But most of all, they just had fun spending time together outside of school with their friends:

Thank you Kimberlee & Rachel for taking the girls & sharing their wonderful adventure with us. We are so thankful for Girl Scout Troop 4815!

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