Wednesday, August 9, 2023

First Day of School - 4th & 6th Grade

Well, it's here - it may only be August 9th but our girls are officially back at school! I know some people hate school starting so early but honestly, we've been home for soccer for the past few weeks so we can't go anywhere & it is miserable outside, so at least school is inside with their friends:

First up, Sophie. We have a staggered start time for all of our schools in Frisco & elementary starts first:

Of course Sadie was so excited to go to school also that she woke up early too even though her school starts 30 minutes later:

I tried to grab a quick pic of them together while I could:

and then we ran down the street to take a picture with all of our neighbors on our street:

We all went to Pink together & Sophie could not have been more excited:

Then we walked over to the middle school (yes, thankfully they are next door to each other!) to meet up with some of Sadie's friends:

We had tried to spread the word for our 6th grade girls to meet up for a picture so at least we got a group shot with some of them:

And that's it! Summer is officially over, the girls are excited to be in school & I am already enjoying the peace & quiet at home....... until this afternoon at least!

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