Friday, December 23, 2022

Winter Parties

The girls officially got out of school yesterday & we ended the day with holiday parties for both of them. It was a crazy day weather wise because we had a major cold front blow in that brought us temperatures in the teens with windchills below 0. The biggest surprise was the snow! It snowed off & on for a few hours but it never stuck. It was still fun to see it in the air & Sophie's class actually went outside to play in it:

I didn't get to spent much time at Sophie's party because I am a room parent for 5th grade so I was helping with them. But I did stop in for a few minutes to catch the fun:

The parties didn't start until 2:00 so they were the last hour of school, but we got there at noon to set up for the 5th grade party. Usually, the parties are small with just your class, in your classroom, but we wanted to do something different for 5th grade. We planned their party in the cafeteria so all of the 5th graders could celebrate together. I took this picture of my friend as she was walking in to help out:

That pretty much sums up how cold it was! The wind was horrible, our fingers were freezing bringing everything in & out from our cars. She had brought several blow ups for the party! 

We set up a hot cocoa bar with a cookie station. This was my area of course!

Everyone brought decor from home so besides decorating the cafeteria, we set up a photo booth with props for the kids to take pictures with their friends:

We had a candy walk, a dance off & lots of winter games including snowman cornhole & pin the nose on the snowman:

We even had face painting:

The line for the hot chocolate was definitely long & might have been the most popular activity at the beginning:

I think she spent most of her time at the candy walk until she actually won! My friend running that sent me a picture of her:

I was working most of the time or I snuck out to go to Sophie's party, so I didn't take many pictures during the party, besides the ones I took before when we set up. But I got this one from a friend:

I think they all had a great time & I'm glad we were able to do something different & more fun for the older kids since it is their last year of elementary school! 

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