Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas with the Dodson Family 2022

As soon as we got out of school on Thursday, we drove to Bryan's parents' house to celebrate Christmas with his family. We spent the night & celebrated on Friday. Since we went to school so late this year, I felt behind on Christmas activities, so she had gingerbread houses ready for the girls:

Remember, winter storm Elliott blew in Thursday night when we drove over there, so we spent most of our time at their house in our pajamas! We never even left or really got dressed..... but we ate a lot of really good food & watched several Christmas movies. I loved every moment of it!

We also opened gifts & you know that's always the highlight for the girls:

They got small, hard sided carry on luggage for Christmas last year but it became evident when we went to Costa Rica for a few weeks this summer that they needed bigger luggage, so they bought them a new piece. We were excited because we had a big trip planned for winter break so those suitcases would get used right away!

Even Granny came over & opened gifts with us! We ended up staying until pretty late Friday night but then we drove home so we could do a few things at our house for Christmas Eve. Normally we do Christmas day with his family after we do our family with Santa that morning, but they were able to celebrate early with us since we had a flight to catch Christmas afternoon!

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