Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

We woke up at home Christmas Eve & it was still freezing. Literally! Since we got home late Friday night, we just crashed & unfortunately, I realized we had a few problems that morning. We opened all of our cabinet doors around the house before we went to their house, I dripped all of the faucets & we kept our heater on 70. Apparently, that wasn't enough. I woke up early & decided to do a load of laundry since we were flying out the next day but our washing machine wouldn't work...... that's when I realized the pipes had frozen in our laundry room. Then Bryan woke up to go to the restroom in our master bathroom & the toilet wouldn't flush. Yep, more frozen pipes. Then I started panicking & checking everything - both of our master shower heads wouldn't turn on & most of our sinks we couldn't find hot water. Ugh. Not the way I wanted to start Christmas, especially when we were about to head out of town for a week! Let's just say I cranked up the heat to 74, ran the fire place as high as it could go, we turned on every water faucet in out house to full blast on both hot & cold water and I had space heaters & blow dryers going everywhere. It took several stressful hours, but one by one we would hear a water source slowly come on and by lunch time, we had everything working with no busted pipes. Ugh. I told Bryan we would never leave our house again when it gets that cold! Too much work to take care of your house! We live on a corner & our master suite is on that side, which happens to be on the west side, so it gets the majority of the wind & storms, so we always have problems with our master bathroom. I think if we would have been home & actually using the toilet & ran the shower, it would have been fine, but since we left for 48 hours & didn't touch any of it, our preparations weren't enough. 

While all of that was going on, I was still trying to make Christmas Eve fun for the girls! After being married for almost 19 years, our waffle maker that we got as a wedding present finally broke this year, so his parents gave me a new one & I was excited to try it out that morning:

The girls made reindeer food:

and they baked sugar cookies for Santa:

They did them 100% on their own! They kept telling me they didn't need my help, so I just supervised while they baked & decorated. Which kind of worked out this year since I was frantically running around checking all of the pipes while they were baking! Don't worry, I did help taste test along the way:

We eventually cleaned up & headed to church for our candlelight service, which has quickly become a family favorite tradition:

We were bundled up because it was still below freezing on Christmas Eve!

Afterwards we headed to Nanny's house for Christmas with the Dodson Family. We had the best evening with everyone & somehow this is the only photo I have to show of it. A random selfie with the girls:

We got home around 10:30, the girls quickly changed so they could feed the reindeer:

and put cookies & milk out for Santa. This year, they decided to give him a small candy cane & a few of their chocolate covered pretzels also:

The girls were finally in bed by 11:00 & we were ready for Christmas morning!

*Fun fact - I don't have any pictures, but Sadie also lost a tooth on Christmas Eve! Since getting her braces off, she lost a tooth on her birthday & again on Christmas Eve so the poor tooth fairy is working overtime on holidays!

** Boring fact - If anyone is still reading this, I am sure no on cares about our frozen pipes & the long paragraph I started this blog with, but I really do use this blog as a journal for our family. I say it all the time, I have a horrible memory so I really enjoy writing the stories of our life down so we can go back & look at it later. And in this case, the frozen pipes is just a forewarning of our unexpected Christmas 2022!

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