Saturday, August 6, 2022

Summer Bucket List

As we creep slower to back to school, the girls & I have been doing as much as we can to mark items off of our summer bucket list! First off, a day on the lake! Our friends invited us out for a day on their boat while we all took turns swimming & tubing. The older girls went the longest & had a blast:

Sophie loved riding in the boat, but she was super hesitant to get on the tube:

We might have had to bribe her to finally get her out there. They went nice & slow so she secretly loved it, even though she won't admit it!

Thanks Bellen Family for letting us spend the day with you!

We have had a ton of play dates & pool parties, but we had a special one for Sadie because her GA teacher from church on Wednesday nights asked if we would host one for the girls to re-connect this summer:

We had an ice cream party to go along with their pool time:

All props go to Mrs. Karen for organizing - we just hosted this great group of girls:

Finally, the girls have asked for years to have a lemonade stand. Sigh. Seems like a lot of work for little payoff, but I finally gave in. They were actually given this cute American Girl lemonade stand kit for Christmas a few years ago, but it was right before Covid hit so we never did it. Until now! I promised the girls they could invite a few of their friends that live around us & we finally had it the other night:

We tried to do it later in the evening when there would be more traffic, but it was still so dang hot out there. Literally, it was over 100 degrees. But the girls were troopers & still had fun. They even improvised & when they didn't see cars driving by, they went door to door, asking neighbors if anyone wanted lemonade & they made deliveries:

 I think they only made $26 & they had to split it 5 ways, but they had a blast & I guess that's the most important part!

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