Friday, August 5, 2022

Renegades Fitness Training & Signing Day

I realized I blogged about Costa Rica for a whole week, so now I can finally move on to other things! Another big commitment in July was Sadie's soccer. Signing day is always July 1st & we had open try outs most of May & June. Thankfully she received her offer the end of May so she continued practicing like normal, but at least she knew she already had a secure spot on the team.
Their coach gave them a few weeks off at the end of June/early July, which is why we went on vacation. We took advantage of the time off while we could! But before she gave them their break, she gave them a 6 week training schedule. The first several weeks they did on their own & the last several weeks they met as a team for two a days. It was a lot of work so to keep the girls motivated, I let Sadie invite a few team mates over so they could train together:

They were pretty strict schedules - running consisted of anywhere from 2-3 miles plus some abs, stretching and ball work to go along with it. Sometimes they were long runs, but most of the time it was a lot of track work - 100m sprints, 200's, 400's & 800's. Bryan & I tried to work out with her every now & then, but let's be honest - we can't keep up with her anymore!

We tried to have her work out in the morning but by the time she woke up, it wasn't as early as she wanted. So it was hot. Really hot! Then when her team started training together, they met from 8:00 - 9:30. I let some of her teammates spend the night (since they practiced at night then had training the next morning) of course that makes you more tired when you stay up late:

Or we had friends come over after training & spend the day with us before practice that night. In those cases the girls swam, had lunch or I took them for an afternoon treat:

Their 6 week training & their 2 a days ended last week - finally! But they had to have a team fitness test before it was over. Poor girls - they ran their hearts out & I could not be more proud of them! The entire test was 3 miles but it was broken up in segments like I mentioned above but this time everything was timed. She literally had someone there recording everyone's times & supposedly she is using their performance to see who will start in their first tournament next weekend:

To celebrate, we had a team party to kick off the fall season at one of the girl's house. They had 4 new girls join their team & clearly they have already bonded with all of their training & practices this summer, but it always helps to relax & let the girls just be girls together. Their team manager surprised them with a new team shirt & matching bag tags for their backpacks:

They have 3 tournaments this month, 2 local & 1 out of town before league play starts in September. They are playing in 2 leagues, which happen to be the same they played in last year. Thank goodness they qualified for division 1 last summer & maintained their spot this year. I am so excited to see what these girls do together this season!

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