Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Frisco Flyers

The girls started something new this summer - Frisco Flyers volleyball! Frisco Flyers is one of the big volleyball clubs here in town & one of Sophie's friend's mom is a coach there for her older daughter, so she started a volleyball team for Sophie's age. Sophie has been watching Sadie play for the past couple of years so she was SO excited to finally play:

Of course it was even more fun to play with some of her friends:

Since Sophie was playing there this summer, we decided to move Sadie over also. We had some other friends who were playing there also so she was able to join their team. They played the summer 1 recreational league, which was 1 practice per week & then they had double headers every Friday night for May & June:

It really was so convenient to have both of them playing at the same place on the same night! The only hiccup was they originally put Sadie's team in the wrong league & Sophie's very first volleyball game was against Sadie?!

I don't know if you can tell, but that is Sadie serving directly to Sophie & I could not have been more proud of Sophie's little team because they tried so hard to play against them, even if they were scared of overhand serves coming their way!

Another fun note, is both of the girls got to help keep score for each other's games & I think they had just as much fun doing this as they did playing!

Sadie's team was moved up the next week to the older age bracket & they worked their way up playing harder teams & older girls. The last weekend of their league, they played a mini tournament & Sadie's team ended up winning the entire thing:

They had the best day & they played so well! They really came a long way this season & we were proud of all of the girls:

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