Friday, June 3, 2022

Cheers to Summer!

 Since we got out of school early this year, we have already enjoyed 2 weeks of summer! Sadie got to go on a special trip last week so we had fun spending some extra time with Sophie. We had several neighbors graduate so we went to a few graduation parties:

We took her to the movies:

She had several play dates with friends. They play every day going back & forth between their houses:

She had a sleepover with one of her besties:

Basically living her best life!

When Sadie got back, we kept the momentum going. We had another set of sisters over to swim:

They went to visit our new neighbor - Darby!

I had planned a pool party for a few of the girls in Sophie's class when Sadie was out of town, but it rained all day so we had to cancel, but we re-scheduled when Sadie was back so she got to join us:

For Memorial Day weekend, we skipped town. On the way we stopped at Bucee's:

My sister & her family moved back home so we were excited to see their new house & spend time with my family. The girls LOVE seeing their cousins! My sister literally lives 10 minutes away from my parents now so we took turns going back & forth & the girls thought it was fun to spend the night at both of their houses. I didn't take many pictures but I did grab a picture of a few them out on the golf cart. That is definitely a favorite at Mimi's house - driving the golf cart & going up to the lake!

Even Missy went for a ride! We even had a double date night & went to the new Margaritaville on the lake & had drinks & appetizers with Nat & Dan:

Cheers to summer!

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