Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Last Day of School 2022

Last Friday, was officially our last day of school:

They got to celebrate at school with their end of the year party outside. They had a bubble bus, a basketball inflatable, water slide inflatable & snow cones. We celebrated with 4th grade first:

Later in the day, I got to go back & do it again with 2nd grade:

The biggest difference in these 2 girls? Sadie's party was first thing in the morning & she wanted to stay all day long. She is a built in teacher & absolutely loves school! She literally cried when I woke her up Friday morning because she was so sad it was the last day. Sophie, on the other hand, was finished with her party by lunch time & she said peace out! She couldn't sign out of school quick enough! She went to Chiller Bee with a friend to get fro yo & then went to a friend's house after to swim:

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