Friday, April 15, 2022

Legacy Line Dance Clinic

A few weeks ago, Sophie went to the Legacy Line dance clinic at our high school. The girls have both been to the cheerleading clinics, but this was the first time one of them tried the dance clinic:

I really like the way they planned it because it was on a Friday night from 5:00 - 9:00 so it was kind of like a free date night! Sadie had no interest in going but Sophie went with several friends:

She loved her high school mentor:

This past weekend, the drill team had their annual spring show & the girls were invited to perform. Sophie was ESTATIC! They asked the girls to wear a white dress and to wear blue eye shadow, red cheeks & red lipstick. I didn't exactly have red, but we put on makeup & tried our best to make her look good:

She loved every single moment of it! She wasn't shy at all & she performed right up front in the middle with a huge smile on her face. We weren't allowed to take pictures or videos, otherwise I totally would have! 

It ended up being a fun night because we knew at least 5 of the senior girls performing from church or from our neighborhood:

Now if only she could decide - dance or cheerleading?!

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