Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Winter Parties

Since Friday was their last day of school, both of the girls had class parties. Unfortunately, parents were not allowed, room moms only so I was not able to attend Sophie's party. I try to take turns & this year I am class mom for Sadie. 4th grade went with a snowman theme:

They made ornaments with their picture on this real piece of wood & they turned out so cute! I love having something different on our tree! We also made a snowman snack/craft:

Sadie was able to make one too, but she had to have gluten free donuts & pretzels, so hers looked a little different:

Then we played a few snowman games. We took turns wrapping up our friends as snowmen & we had a snowball contest:

I think the kids had fun but I did miss having the parents there. First of all, it's always nice to have their help, but also, I know we don't have many years left to go to their class parties so I hate other parents missed out. 

Thankfully my friend ran Sophie's party so we got lots of pictures from her class also:

They had a reindeer party with a reindeer cookie, reindeer craft & reindeer games:

She has had a great year with her teacher & her friends:

Later that night, we had 1 more party of the day - the Renegades soccer party! They played gellyball, which is a softer version of paintball:

Sadie was not in to it - she does not like anything to do with guns so she did not want to participate but she did have fun hanging out with her team off the soccer field. 

Finally, the next evening, Sadie went to a slumber party with her friends from school:

This was not a Christmas themed party, but it was a few days before Christmas. It was actually Harry Potter themed, which is why I wanted to document it. We aren't really in to Harry Potter so we haven't really exposed the girls to it, but it is pretty popular with the kids her age right now, so they made wands, potion & watched the first movie & now Sadie is all in! Looks like we will be watching the other movies over Christmas break & she has already asked me to take her to the library so she can pick up the book. I guess I will remember that Harry Potter entered our family when Sadie turned 10!

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