Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Thanksgiving in Conroe 2021

When we got home from the Bahamas, we made a quick turnaround & then drove to Conroe to spend time with my family for the actual Thankgiving holiday. My sister's family met us there also & we spent a great couple of days being lazy, playing, eating & visiting! My mom surprised the kids & bought a segway so the kids had fun outside trying that out:

Sophie even got a picture of me trying it out - ha! I had no idea I was being watched:

The weather was nice to we hung outside for a while with Max & the dogs. My parents neighbor even let us borrow their golf cart so the kids had fun cruising around the neighborhood with Doc:

My mom also surprised the kids with laser guns so we took them to the park to play outside that afternoon:

This was our first trip with the new dogs, so we were keeping busy between 5 grandkids & 3 dogs!

On Thanksgiving day, we enjoyed a fabulous meal while the kids worked on their thankful placemats:

We had a great time getting away for a few days & spending extra time with family. When we got home it was tine to pack up fall & get ready for Christmas! We even celebrated by having a block party with our neighbors & smashing all of our pumpkins together:

Bring on December - we are ready for birthdays & Christmas!

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