Monday, November 8, 2021

Raise Craze 2021

Last year during the pandemic, our school started a new fall fundraiser & it was so successful that we opted to do the same one this year: Raise Craze!

The kids spent 3 weeks doing AOK's (acts of kindness) & raising money for the school:

This year we took it a step further & did a school aok, a grade level aok, then a class aok, on top of your personal aok's:

I am room mom for Sadie's class to I got to help the 4th graders paint mini canvases which were distributed to a nursing home. I also got to create their class poster for their theme this year:

Everything led up to the big day - Ninja Nation! Instead of setting up a warrior dash obstacle course at our school like we normally do, they hired Ninja Nation to come in & set up their own course. It was awesome & the kids loved it! This is where I go a little crazy taking pictures because it was really the first time in 1 1/2 years that parents were really allowed back on campus. First up, Sadie's class:

Only a few 4th graders actually made it up the wall & she was the only girl:

The bestie showdown:

I know that was a lot, but at least I'm not writing, only dumping photos! Now here is Sophie's class:

A cold front blew in that morning so it was a little chilly & windy out there, but at least it was beautiful weather otherwise. A perfect way to celebrate a fun month at Pink!

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