Friday, October 8, 2021

State Fair 2021

After cancelling the state fair last year, we finally got to return this year!

We have taken the girls every year since they were born so it was kind of weird skipping last year, but we definitely made up for it this time. We picked them up from school & headed straight there. We love going on weeknights so it's not as crowded. And it was perfect weather! 

As we were walking in, Bryan got excited because he saw the ESPN College Game Day trucks getting ready for this weekend:

In case you didn't know, UT plays OU this weekend at the Cotton Bowl. That is usually our favorite time to go to the fair (without the kids!) but we can't this weekend because the girls have 3 games Saturday morning at the same time as the football game. 

Once inside we had fun walking around & the girls always ask for pictures:

They always love seeing the animals:

Of course my favorite part is the food! Bryan & I have tried every crazy fried item out there, until this year. Enter sad face here...... Since Sadie & I are both gluten free, I was a little worried how we would do but surprisingly, their website had a whole list of the vendors that offer gluten free options. It took a lot longer to find the vendors & talk to them, but at least we got to eat safely. We started with sausage on a stick:

Then moved on to pork nachos. Look how cute the chips are shaped like the state of Texas!

We didn't get to have the corndogs, tater twisters or funnel cake like Sophie & Bryan did. Instead Sadie got cotton candy & I decided on a small, individual Bluebell ice cream. I figured that was safe!

The girls favorite part is the rides & the games! Bryan & I are mean parents & wouldn't spend the money on the games. I think they are all over priced & rigged! But they love the rides & we went when it was discount ride night so they got to ride more than normal:

 We even splurged & rode the BIG ferris wheel for the first time:

The girls have always been scared of it since it's so tall, but in the car Sophie said she wanted to do it - so we did! At first they were nervous, but excited:

and then we got to the top & they were both literally screaming & crying! Ha! It was hilarious & I wish my flash had been on but I trying to hurry & take a picture before I consoled them:

I don't know why Sadie was so scared? She LOVES thrill rides & this thing moved so slow, but I think it was the height that scared her. And I don't think Sophie was that scared, but she was feeding off Sadie. Bryan & I were having a great time & enjoying the view:

We finally switched places & by the 2nd time around, the girls had calmed down:

We couldn't have asked for a better evening! What a fun way to celebrate the fall season.

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