Thursday, September 30, 2021

Life Lately

Not much has changed these days, just school, sports, repeat! Both of the girls are playing soccer & Sophie's team finally had their first game:

She even scored a goal in their first game!

Lots of cheerleading. They wore their FFL camp shirt to practice one week:

The girls wore their uniforms to school one week:

Of course they have games every weekend:

We took the girls to watch our middle school, 8th grade volleyball game one night & the girls had so much fun watching our neighbor play:

Sophie took a friend to one of Sadie's volleyball games last weekend & we treated them to Sweet Frog afterward:

Sophie's girl scout troop had their first official brownie meeting after school one afternoon:

We celebrated college & career week at school last week & the girls had fun dressing up every day. On this particular day, they dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up. Sadie has always wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, but this time she threw in an extra element - she wants to be a teacher & a soccer coach! She wore her middle school shirt, with exercise leggings, she had her FISD badge on, a whistle around her neck & she carried a clipboard. I think that suits her perfectly!

Finally, I even had time to sneak in a mom's night out with a few 2nd grade moms:

I really should do that more often!

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