Thursday, January 28, 2021

Life Lately

I haven't blogged lately because there isn't a whole lot to talk about! Since we are out of quarantine & covid-free, we are back to normal life which basically consist of school, work, basketball, soccer, repeat. Winter definitely slows down so our weekends aren't quite as busy. In fact, one weekend we went to Scheel's & spent 2 hours looking around, shopping & playing because we were bored:

We met Bryan's parents for dinner one weekend since we hadn't seen them in a while. The girls had fun playing outside at the restaurant:

Sadie's soccer team was supposed to play in their first out of town soccer tournament in Austin last weekend but it was cancelled. The girls were so disappointed so their coach surprised them with a fun practice full of games that ended with an ice cream party:

On a personal note, I got caught up on so much while in quarantine. I always make a photo book from all of our family vacations so I had time to make our book from our ski trip & the girls were so excited when it was delivered last week:

I've also been hard at work for our school's spring book fair. I say that in jest because we cannot have it on campus so it is virtual again, which really means I don't have a lot to do. But they did let us decorate the library to help build excitement with the kids:

I guess one of the biggest activities going on right now has been girl scout cookies. I am troop cookie manager again so I was responsible for picking up all of the inventory, sorting it, delivering it & handling the finances for it. We were out of quarantine but Sophie hadn't gone back to school yet so she got to help me pick them up:

Last year she sold 165 boxes but most of our troop cut back this year due to the pandemic. We didn't know how sales would go & we decided not to have any booths, so her goal was 100 this year. Thankfully she pretty much sold half right away just to family! We always make her put on her vest & facetime everyone so she can still sale to them even though they live elsewhere:

We sold to friends & she did go door to door a few times, even in the rain:

She even set up a pop up booth at Sadie's soccer practice one evening & did pretty good! It's only been 2 weeks, but our troop is completely out of inventory & she has already sold 106 boxes. So proud of her!

Lastly, we had Sadie evaluated back in December for ankle pain. They didn't see anything on her x-ray but when they took an MRI, they noticed an old injury. Apparently she hurt her ankle at some point. We don't know if it was a major injury & she just played through the pain, or if it was something small that has gradually worsened with continued use. Either way, they recommended physical therapy. We couldn't start over the holidays & then she was in quarantine, but she finally started a few weeks ago. She goes once a week & we have daily strength exercises & stretching activities we do at home every day:

We have seen some improvement in her mobility & strength in that ankle, but she still definitely favors her stronger ankle & we are having to re-teach her how to use both equally. We'll go to therapy a few more weeks & I think she is going to start sleeping in a splint at night, so we'll see if that makes a difference. I really hate that she is having pain at such a young age, but hopefully we are taking steps to prevent further injury & I am hoping the stretching & strength exercises will be something she continues to do as she grows older & stays active:

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