Monday, November 2, 2020

Halloween Extras

Friday night before Halloween Sophie got invited to a costume birthday party with some of her friends from school. They started with a costume parade while the hostess took turns introducing all of the girls:

 She kept the front door & the back door open so the girls were inside & outside the whole time. They decorated pumpkins, had fun in a photo booth & had fun running around & playing in their costumes:

Sophie wanted to be Evie this year from Descendents & we lucked out because that's what Sadie's best friend was last year so we borrowed her costume. We've had that for the past month but at the last minute, she asked for the wig. Thank goodness I was able to track one down because that definitely made the costume and most of her friends had on wigs also:

She definitely had a fun night with her friends:

Sadie also had annual Halloween soccer practice. Her coach is so good about having a practice where everyone dresses up & they play a lot of Halloween games & pass out candy. This year Sadie & Kenzie rocked the mummy contest:

Sadie stood so still & when she tried to walk, she couldn't even move:

Of course they ended practice with a couple of team pictures:

Yep, that's Sadie hanging upside down by Coach T! I just love how she encourages the girls to have fun & not take it so seriously all the time. On to Halloween night!

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