Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Life Lately

Where to begin.... life lately has been busy! We are officially back to life as normal, we just have a mask on. The girls are still enjoying school, our church has opened back up & every single extra curricular activity we used to do is going again:

 Right?! Our only disappointment is that UT is playing fewer games this year so our Saturday's don't always revolve around that. Which is probably better because these girls keep us busy! First up, a few snapshots from school:

Last week they celebrated college & career week & had themed dress up days but you know our girls were representing with the burnt orange:

Apparently a lot of kids were because they took a school wide vote & UT was named the favorite college at their school. Hook 'em Horns!

Unfortunately, the schools are locked down so I am not getting to spend the time up there volunteering like I usually do. But that leaves more time to catch up with girlfriends:

The girls are starting to get invited to a few birthday parties again. They may look different this year, but that never stops the kids from having fun:

Our week days are full of practice & our weekends are full of games. Sadie is playing volleyball with some friends from school & she continues to play soccer for her club team. They are playing in 2 leagues this fall so she has a game every Saturday & every Sunday:

Our recreational league started last weekend also so that means Sophie's team, the Twinkle Toes are back also:

Of course she has cheerleading also:

 Their first football game is this weekend but we had Tiger camp last weekend:

I think these girls are ready! Let's go Tigers!

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