Thursday, August 15, 2019

Last Day of Summer

It's official - yesterday was the last day of summer. How did it fly by so fast?! We had a long list of things to do & we did most of them but we definitely didn't finish it. I feel like it went by faster now that they are older. Last year we had a blast on the last day of summer so this year we did the same thing. The girls earned free passes to the Frisco Athletic Center water park & we invited KJ & Kenzie to join us:

These are our only friends who go to Pink with us from pre-school & boy we are so glad they do:

We lucked out with the weather. It was raining when I woke up so the girls slept in because the house was dark. But thankfully by mid-morning the rain had moved on. It was partly cloudy when we went so it wasn't too hot or too crowded. 

The oldest 2 got to venture off by themselves most of the day. They kept going back & forth between the slides:

Sophie was pumped because she saw Kate right when we got there so she spent most of the day with her. Kate kept doing the big water slide & Sophie was a little hesitant. We finally convinced her to try it & by the time we got to the top, she freaked out. I mean the worst I have ever seen! It was kind of embarrassing so I had to pull her off the side & thankfully I finally got her calmed down & bribed her to go down. By the time we got to the bottom, she had the biggest smile on her face & she asked to go again:

That's the thing with Sophie - she is usually timid at first but if you can convince her to finally do something, she usually loves it :)

After we left the park, I surprised the girls & we went to the Snow Cone Lady:

Another scratch of the list. All summer we kept talking about going there & we just hadn't so I'm glad we finally made the time. It was the perfect way to end our summer vacation. Cheers to fall!

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