Friday, February 3, 2017

Life Lately

I looked at my phone & apparently I have a lot of photos to share since I spent a whole week blogging about the cruise! Also, Bryan went to Washington DC for 4 days so I took extra pictures while he was gone to send to him:

Eveything has started back up & we are getting busy again. On Mondays we have gymnastics:

Sophie is still loving it, even more now that her friend Crosby joined her class! After class this week, we went to the park because it was beautiful weather outside:

On Tuesdays the girls started swimming lessons again after school:

The older girls had a Q&U wedding at school & they were supposed to dress like queens. They all looked so beautiful:

The Sweet Cleats had their first spring practice:

Sadie was so excited to be out on the field again! They have their first game next week.

The girls had their semi annual check up at the dentist:

Before Bryan went to DC, we had a family night at the Texas Legends basketball game:

and I had a mom's night out with my MOPS group:

We've had a lot of play dates with friends & we've spent a lot of time outside with this unseasonably warm weather:

We surprised Hadley & went to watch one of her basketball games & Sadie loved it! She can't wait to play basketball next year when she is old enough:

And while Bryan was gone, we entertained ourselves at night playing games & watching movies:

We seem to always be busy but I love spending all my time with these 2 cuties while I can. I keep telling myself that my time is limited since kindergarten is around the corner!

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