Monday, January 30, 2017

Soccer Shots

New week, new blogs! I go a little overboard when we travel, especially when we travel with the girls!

Last week we jumped right back into our busy schedule, but we added 1 new thing for Sophie - Soccer Shots:

Soccer Shots has a program for 30 minutes after school for 3 & 4 year olds. This is how Sadie started & it was a great introduction to the sport before she started recreational play in a league. Sophie has been asking to play for a while since she watches her sister, so she finally got to join now that she is old enough. Two of her friends also play, KJ & Gavin, so that helps:

Poor Gavin wasn't in the mood & he sat on the sideline crying, but her & KJ had a great time playing together! They are definitely the youngest out there but they both did great & had fun:

To be honest, I feel like Sadie picked soccer up a little easier but I am still impressed she is trying & having fun. She definitely loves being a part of a team & doing something by herself:

Can't wait to see if these 2 follow in their older sister's footsteps!

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