Monday, December 12, 2016

Sadie & Sophie's Pajama Party

For months now Sadie has been asking to have a slumber party. I have no idea where she learned about that (maybe from one of her babysitters?) but I thought that would be a great idea for a birthday party. I knew 3 & 5 year olds probably aren't ready to spend the night yet, but I thought it would be fun to have a late night pajama party instead.

I try not to do a Christmas theme every year for their birthday, but when I started looking for pajamas for their party, I found the perfect pair & designed the entire party after their pj's:

They are Christmas pajamas with a cupcake & a candy cane on the top with Christmas candy on the pants. And I was able to have their names monogrammed on there. So our theme became a candy land theme! The house was already decorated for Christmas so that made the decorations easy. Plus, I just had our Christmas garland made for the staircase this year:

We created a candy bar & I found the cutest gingerbread houses at Hobby Lobby:

The Christmas trees were bought for a party a few years ago & they have them in their rooms now. I figured the gingerbread houses could go in their room for Christmas decorations also:

And the girls got to fill up their goody bags from the candy bar as party favors when they went home:

Before everyone got there, we took a few pictures:

I found the cutest Christmas pajamas at Target & had to splurge! I know they will get worn during the holidays so I couldn't resist. I also asked the grandmothers to wear their pj's also since they were helping out:

The men were there also but they did not wear their pj's:

They ran a few errands for me, helped get everything set up & then they went to a football game.

Finally our guests started to arrive! We had 24 little girls here, mostly Sadie's friends but a few of Sophie's friends. Turns out most of Sophie's friends are boys & this was a girls only party :) A few moms stayed but most of them dropped their daughters off. So that was another first!

We decided to celebrate the girls first by singing Happy Birthday:

And then we ate! We kept it simple & went with what you usually eat at slumber parties - pizza! I usually do cakes, but decided to do cupcakes since they had cupcakes on their pj's. Surprisingly, we have never had cupcakes at one of their birthday parties before:

I thought it would be easier to have all of the girls eat their food at one time so we only had to clean them off once. And I was hoping the food would stay contained to the kitchen/dining room areas. I took a lot of pictures of the girls eating because since most of their moms weren't there, I wanted to share pictures:

After they ate & we got them cleaned them off, they ran upstairs to play. To be honest, I was surprised how relaxing this party was. The girls are finally old enough to play by themselves independently & there wasn't any fighting. The moms even got to relax downstairs & visit & eat without worrying about them upstairs:

Yep, even the moms came in their pajamas too!

Sophie & Abby were so cute - they walked around the entire night holding hands:

And she also spent time playing with Hayden:

while the big girls did their own thing. I left some Christmas games & puzzles out on the coffee table & the girls really had fun playing the Christmas Matching Game:

I thought it would be fun to play a game since Sadie is obsessed with games so we played Christmas bingo with M&M's:

I even bought a few prizes for the first couple of winners:

After their game, we had a dance party! We have surround speakers down stairs, so I turned on Kids Bop & the girls went crazy:

This might have been my favorite part of the night watching all of them feel the beat :)

Finally, our last adventure of the night was a movie. I researched Christmas princess movies & found out that Beauty & the Beast had a Christmas movie - who knew?! It was only 1 hour 20 minutes so it was the perfect length. Of course the girls had fun piling in the media room with their blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, dolls, etc. And we served popcorn - hot, fresh popcorn & white chocolate covered popcorn:

How cute are they?! I will confess that the house was in pretty good condition after the party & for the most part, I only had to pick up toys. Except for the media room. There was popcorn everywhere!  I had to move the chairs around to vacuum all of the kernels up.

After the movie, the girls played a little while longer until most of their parents came to pick them up. As I said above, they each got their own goody bag & got to pick candy from the candy bar. Sophie absolutely loved this part! She was the best little helper & helped each girl fill their bag:

All of the girls were gone by 10:30 except for 2, Kenzie & Tatum. I told Sadie she could have a few friends spend the night for her first official slumber party:

We set up their sleeping bags in Sadie's room & put them down around 10:45 but of course they stayed up for at least an hour & a half visiting. It was so cute hearing them girl talk :) I knew they wouldn't be ready to have their moms leave yet so we had Lena & Jamie spend the night also. Eventually it got quiet so we snuck in & found the birthday girls fast asleep:

Think that's the sign of a successful party!

The next morning I had 1 more surprise for the girls - I ordered birthday donuts for breakfast:

I have always heard about these & we finally had a new donut place open up right by our house that makes them & the girls loved them:

It was the perfect ending to their slumber/pajama/birthday party!

After they left, the girls got to open all of their presents:

They got all kinds of goodies from their friends & grandparents:

One of Sadie's favorites was her booster seat:

She has been asking for one of these for the past year! We got her a high back booster for riding every day in my car & my mom got her a small booster that we could have for Bryan's car & for carpooling. Their present from us were light up scooters that they loved! We kept them inside & they rode them all around the house on Saturday but somehow I didn't get a picture.

I still cannot believe that 5 years ago Bryan & I stood here & took a picture on our way to the hospital to deliver Sadie:

Five years later we celebrate our oldest turning 5 & second turning 3:

Our life has been filled with happiness thanks to these 2 girls & I am so thankful that I get to stay home with them & watch them grow:

Thanks again Mimi & Grammy for helping during the party. We couldn't have celebrated with this many girls without your help!

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