Wednesday, December 21, 2016

More Holiday Happenings 2016

When I cleaned out Bryan's phone & found pictures from his birthday date with Sophie, I found more pictures from their dates during the holidays. One night while I was at a Christmas party, he took the girls to Chick Fil A:

He also picked them up from our Christmas MOPS meeting & took them to a Christmas luncheon at one of the schools. I guess they got to practice sitting in school desks while they were there:

Sadie & I lucked out because I took her to Toys R Us last weekend to go Christmas shopping for Sophie & when we walked out, there was a church that had set up tables & was doing free gift wrapping:

She picked out her gift for Sophie & then was so excited that they let her help wrap it:

What a great ministry! They literally said they were just looking for fun ways to serve our community during the busy holiday. Awesome.

Bryan & I finally went to our final Christmas party of the season when we met our friends for dinner at Sixty Vines:

This is our small group from church & we truly value their friendships! After dinner, a few of us walked over for drinks & dessert at Whiskey Cake:

Thanks again for organizing our dinner Emily!

We also met up with some family friends for lunch earlier this week. The girls loved getting to see Elliana again:

Afterwards, Bryan took them to one of his favorite bakeries for cupcakes:

Look how cute their Christmas cupcakes are:

We also stopped by the hospital to surprise Mimi at work:

Bryan doesn't work much the last 2 weeks of the year during the holidays so we are enjoying our extra time with him :)

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