Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Morning 2016

Christmas morning was even more relaxing since it was just the 4 of us at home. Unfortunately, I woke up early & did not feel good but I put on my best smile to enjoy the morning with the girls. They slept in since we had a late night but Sadie finally woke up around 8:30. All 3 of us had to wake up Sophie & it took her a few minutes to get going, but eventually they were ready to run downstairs:

I snuck out earlier to take pictures of Santa's goodies before the chaos began:

Looks like the girls were good this year & got just what they asked for! Sadie wanted her first American Girl doll with hair. She has a bitty baby but it is bald & she wanted one with blonde hair & blue eyes just like her so she could play beauty shop:

Santa also left her the soccer uniform for her doll. It is so cute & the set includes the uniform, a headband, shin guards, socks & a soccer ball. He must have known she is really into soccer! She had already gotten the salon chair & salon accessories for Christmas but Santa set them up by her doll. Sneaky Santa!

Sophie is a little mommy & he brought her the changing table to go with the rest of her baby furniture. She also got a few more baby accessories, but honestly, I am pretty sure she has every single piece there is from the American Girl Bitty Baby collection & she loves it:

This picture pretty much sums up our morning: Sophie is loving on her baby, Sadie has already moved on to her stocking & Bryan is trying to record everything on video while I am taking pictures!

Eventually we each took turns going through our stockings:

While we were opening our stockings, we had a surprise phone call from Mickey & Minnie Mouse. We booked a Disney Cruise for our family last March but we kept it a secret & I scheduled the call on Christmas morning. The girls were in shock! They were so excited but a little confused so we had videos ready to show them because we have never been on a cruise before:

I know you can't tell from the pictures that they were excited, but I think they were really concentrating on the video! They got even more excited when they opened their first gift from us because I had custom Disney cruise shirts made & I bought them pirate princess costumes since they have pirate night on the ship:

Sadie was so excited she stripped off her pajamas & put it on right away & she literally never took it off for the rest of the day!

We had a few presents for the girls to unwrap & they had gifts for each other:

And of course we had a few gifts for Dad:

With 3 girls in this family, we will always make sure he looks good! And apparently he wanted to do his best to make sure I look good as well. Bryan went overboard & bought me way too much this year, but I won't lie, I loved the surprises! So much, Sadie asked why I was crying?!

He was so excited he took a lot of pictures & the girls thought it was fun helping me open all of my presents.

I thought he was done & then he surprised me with 1 more:

Babe, I loved all of my gifts & you truly surprised me. You are a fabulous shopper & can shop for me anytime :) I think we make a cute couple with our new gifts:

The girls were just excited to have their dolls & as soon as we finished opening gifts, they got to work playing beauty shop:

It's been fun watching them change diapers, change outfits & fix their hair. They are going to be great mommies one of these days!

It was such a fun morning just the 4 of us & after we enjoyed presents, we had brunch together & then spent the morning playing with our new stuff. Actually, let me clarify, they had fun playing with their new stuff while I cleaned up the madness:

Do you see what I see?! 2 little girls blessed beyond measure!

Love those 2 & so thankful that we were able to make their morning extra special.

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