Sunday, November 27, 2016

Turkey Trot 2016

Four years ago we started a new family tradition & this year we continued it by waking up early Thanksgiving morning to run the turkey trot again:
Last year we were in Austin with my family but this year we were back in Frisco. Bryan's parents spent the night & joined us, as well as some other family members, Jennifer & her mom Donna:
Robert & Sherry walked the miracle mile with the girls while Bryan, Jennifer & I ran:
I ran the 5k & they ran the 10k. The weather was absolutely perfect - mid 40's & sunny with hardly any wind. Unfortunately, all 3 of us ran a little slower than we had hoped. We still did good, but I was almost 1 minute slower than my last race. But to be honest, I was just happy to compete because I just took 1 month off due to my melanoma surgery. The whole race I was telling myself how grateful I was that I could run again & that they removed all of my skin cancer! I celebrated at the end when I saw my girls waiting for me:
Then we waited & cheered for Daddy to finish his race:

He was easy to spot because he wore a bright yellow shirt. I love that last picture because you can see he just crossed the finish line & he let out a big breath :)
This has really become a fun family tradition that we have enjoyed doing every year & this year's shirts say it best: Run First & Eat Later!
Afterwards, we cleaned up & had Thanksgiving lunch with Robert's family followed by Thanksgiving dinner with Sherry's family:

We had a great time seeing all of his family & we ate a ton of yummy food. We are so thankful to be a part of his family!

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