Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Ok, so it doesn't look like Christmas yet, but it may sound like it! I have really started Christmas shopping in the past week & every store I go to is blasting Christmas music & looks beautifully decorated so it has really gotten me in the mood! Don't worry, my house is still decorated for fall, but I must confess that I started watching those cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies about a week ago. I think I have already watched 4! I wake up early every morning & since I can't work out (due to the stitches in my leg) I have been curling up with a warm blanket & watching movies before everyone else wakes up :) Both of my children were born in December & I blame them for my love of cheesy Christmas movies. I started watching them when I was pregnant with both & then continued when I was stuck at home with a newborn!
Earlier this week, Sadie asked if we could listen to Christmas music, so we had a dance party & everyone loved it! So I officially put my Michael Buble Christmas cd in the car. You only listen to Christmas music once a year, so surely it's ok to listen to it a little early!
But if I really confess, I actually started getting ready for Christmas back in September. We decided last year that we wanted to invest the money buying garland to decorate the staircase & the banisters in our home. So I went shopping the day after Christmas last year & bought all of the supplies 50% off - ribbon, ornaments, etc. I didn't want to wait until it got busy, so I took the garland in at the end of September to have it made & I got to pick it up 2 weeks ago:
It turned out beautiful & I cannot wait to hang it up! There was so much of it, that it barely fit in my car. I actually took this picture after I started unpacking, because the garland actually touched the ceiling because we had it so shoved in their:
Thank goodness the girls were in school because I definitely wouldn't have had room for them in the car! I found these awesome containers at The Container Store that are made to hold small Christmas trees, but I can fit 1 garland in there, so I stocked up on those as well. Let's just say I have had to make multiple trips to the store because they wouldn't all fit in my car :(
Now my guest bedroom is covered in glitter:
Seriously, I was like why waste the time & energy putting it up when I am probably going to decorate in a few weeks?! Instead I get to see a glimpse of it every day & it makes me excited for the season to come! Hopefully we can figure out how to hang it all & then figure out how to store it once the season is over.......

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