Saturday, February 6, 2016

Date Nights

Bryan & I have been on a lot of dates over the past month, but I have hardly taken pictures at any of them. We realized looking at our holiday cards that we have a lot of friends who we haven't seen in a while. Mostly those who live elsewhere in DFW & not in our Frisco bubble :) So we set a goal of trying to get together with about 5 of those couples & somehow we did it! We met all of them for dinner & enjoyed the long conversations without kids!
Last night we had another date night & this time I remembered to take pictures. Every year the City of Frisco hosts the Chamber of Commerce Awards & it is a fun night that we attend with the school board. Bryan's parents came over to watch the girls & they surprised them with Valentine presents:

They got a new outfit, matching sunglasses & flop flops! Perfect timing since we are about to go on vacation soon :)
And since they were there, we had someone to take our picture:

We had a great time - in fact, we've had fun on our dates all month! Thank goodness for grandparents & babysitters :)

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