Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cry Me a River

I have known since the day Sophie was born that our two girls are different. One of their differences relates to crying. Sadie is our healthy child - she is hardly sick, never hurt but she cries all the time. She is an emotional basket case! Sophie on the other hand has bad allergies, gets sick more often & is always hurt but that girl never cries. She is tough. Unless you take her food away:

I've said it before, but it's almost like she has an eating disorder of some sort since she was deprived of food for the first 14 months of her life. She goes crazy when she sees it & we hardly ever have a problem with her eating it. Until the past couple of nights. She has decided to eat all of her fruit but she picks at the main course & wants to go straight to dessert. We always let the girls have a little something if they eat their meal & try everything on their plate. Sadie learned that lesson a long time ago & she has no problem with it - dessert is a big motivator for her! Sophie is learning the hard way:
She is definitely more stubborn! We always make Sadie wait to have dessert until everyone is finished but the past few nights we finally let her eat it in front of Sophie since she wouldn't finish her meal. Let's just say it became chaotic. 3 nights in a row she has not finished her meal, thrown it on the ground & thrown a full blown temper tantrum while Sadie had her small bite of indulgence. Hopefully she will figure it out one of these days because this family has a sweet tooth!

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