Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year's Eve 2016

Happy 2016! We have enjoyed the past few weeks of the holidays but today is our first day back on a normal routine & I think we were all ready for it. Well, the girls were excited to get back to their activities but I'm not sure if Bryan was ready to go back to work :)
We had a low key New Year's Eve with the girls this year. I went that morning & got my sutures removed while Bryan hung out with the girls. That night we met our friends for dinner. Jamie suggested hibachi for the kids & that was such a great idea! The kids all loved the entertainment & my girls love edamame & chicken fried rice. Sadie even impressed everyone with her chop stick skills!

Jamie even brought those cute little new year hats for the kids. After dinner, we went home & the girls got to stay up until 8:30 - crazy, right?! Bryan & I didn't even make it to midnight. We had to pack because we had an early flight the next morning. The girls went to their grandparents for the weekend while Bryan & I enjoyed a weekend away - what a perfect way to start the new year!

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