Saturday, August 29, 2015

Life Lately

We spent the last week soaking up the sun. Jamie & her kids came over one day but they spent most of their time on the swingset instead of the pool:

We couldn't help but laugh because the little ones were in the kitchen cooking & taking orders while the big kids sat at the picnic table. Eventually, all that play cooking led to actual eating:
I really had to keep my eye on Sophie this week. She's been pretty good all summer & she could wonder around the back patio/play area & we wouldn't have to worry about her, but not anymore:
She has officially learned how to climb to the top of the swingset by herself. Needless to say she is climbing up every second she can & I don't get worried about her climbing, it's what happens after she gets up there. She thinks she can jump off :( She officially has to be supervised at all times now......
Later in the week, we invited Julieanne over & it was quite the opposite:
We could barely drag them out of the water to eat:
We finally compromised & let them have their dessert in the pool:
Love how Alana & Sadie had matching bathing suits on - totally unplanned!
Even though we are still enjoying summer, things are finally starting to feel like fall. We don't start MOPS until after Labor Day, but we had a retreat for the group leaders this week & it was so fun:

I absolutely love spending time with these ladies & my girls think it's pretty fun getting to go to Moppets :)
We had soccer practice this week & this was the only way to keep Sophie contained:
She wants to be out on the field with the big girls so bad!
Finally, another treat for fall - consignment season! I have done the Divine Consign for the past 2 seasons & have been pretty successful, so I have spent the last week getting ready for it. I am hoping to make good money this time because I am finally getting rid of my high chair & pack-n-play. Woo-hoo! I had a lot of other baby junk, but those were my big ticket items. Bryan's granny babysat the girls yesterday while I loaded up the car & dropped everything off:
You can't tell from this picture, but I had the front seat & the back seat loaded down. I could hardly see out any of my windows. It took me 3 trips back & forth to my car until I finally found a rolling cart:
Looks like I barely had any stuff but I had already carried it all in. Fingers crossed I make some good money this weekend to make up for all of the end of summer sales I already hit up :)

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