We got to spend some extra time with the Goff Family this weekend & we enjoyed every minute with them! I have blogged about them before because I have known Emily since we were younger but it's so fun watching our girls play together. We had them over on Saturday to swim:
Somehow I couldn't wrangle the kids together for a picture with their mom, but I caught one of them in the grotto with their dad:
Bryan had a school board retreat so he missed out of the fun, but I am so glad Matt came along because the kids loved playing with him, even Sadie! He was jumping & tossing them all over the water :)
The next morning they slept in & came to late service, which never happens. They always go to first service & we always go to late service, so sometimes we see each other in the middle at bible class. The girls were so excited to sit together & I couldn't help but take a picture of how sweet they looked while being quiet in church:
Afterwards, we all got invited to lunch by another family:
It may have been a crazy lunch with this big of a crew, but it sure is nice to be able to sit children & adults separately now so we can actually visit with friends while the kids visit as well.
We had so much fun also, thanks for inviting us! I love that our girls are getting to grow up together.