Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sophie is One!

Yesterday was Sophie's first birthday but in true Dodson style, we are celebrating today because we were at a Christmas party last night while the girls were with a babysitter :) It's ok, neither girl is old enough to know the difference!
Sophie is a busy girl. She crawls all over our house & can pull herself up to standing but she is not cruising yet. She has developmentally been slower so I don't expect her to start cruising or walking anytime soon. We'll see - maybe she'll surprise me. She is still a busy body though & into everything. It amazes me how different her & Sadie are! But they are both great sleepers. Sophie takes one nap every afternoon & it usually lasts 3-4 hours & she sleeps 12-13 hours at night.
She is still wearing a size 3 diaper but I may move her to a size 4 soon. And I just recently got rid of my last 9 month outfit, so she is wearing 12 month clothes now, but they are slightly big on her. She has 4 teeth - 2 on top & 2 on bottom, but I can see several more that are ready to come through. She definitely babbles & says mama, dada & uh-oh! That was her first official word besides our names. Wonder who she learned that from! She can clap & wave but we are still working on high fives. She absolutely adores her big sister & follows her around wherever she goes & laughs at her all the time.
Her eating on the other hand is another story. I actually took her back to the hospital to have an upper GI scan with small bowel follow through this past Tuesday. She had to fast overnight & then we got there first thing in the morning. They gave her barium in her bottle:
and then they would take pictures of her every 30 minutes as she digested the barium:
They were checking to see if the food was being digested properly & going to the right places:
Apparently it did. They said everything looked normal so that's good news, but still frustrating to me because it doesn't explain why she can't handle food. We are still feeding her 4 bottles a day with 7 ounces each of the Similac Alimentum, which is the formula she has been on since the beginning. And she can handle 1/2 serving of the nutra pudding that the allergist gave us. Actually, let me back up, because as of yesterday I am no longer giving her bottles anymore:
I have been giving her 1 sippy cup a day for the past month or so & she has had no problems with it, so I officially took the bottles away & she is drinking from a sippy cup only. Hallelujah! I have spent every morning for the past year cleaning her bottles & I am so tired of all of the pieces. I officially packed them up & got rid of them so our house is bottle free!
She may not be drinking whole milk or eating food like most other 1 year olds, but at least she is drinking from a big girl cup :)
We also took her to her pediatrician today for her 12 month well baby check up. She was excited when we got there because the waiting room had plenty of toys to entertain her:
She was still in a good mood when they were taking her measurements:

I'm usually good about getting a copy of her stats, but I totally forgot, so I will have to call & get them tomorrow so I can update her baby book.
She continued to smile while we met with Dr. Terry but her attitude quickly changed when the nurses came in afterwards:
She had to get her blood drawn & 3 shots - ouch! But it didn't take long for her Dad to cheer her back up:
I still can't believe Sophie has been a part of our family for a year now - how quickly she has grown up. It's kind of sad to think that my last baby is no longer a baby. Although I can't wait to see what the next year brings for her as she continues to develop her own personality. Happy Birthday Sweet Sophie!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Sophie! Olivia's first word was uh-oh! :) I had to drink barium once. That stuff is nasty. Poor girl! I hope you get it all figured out soon.
