Friday, October 3, 2014

Potty Trained!

It's been a long time coming, but I can officially say that Sadie is potty trained! Well, I should clarify, she is 100% potty trained during the day, but she still sleeps in a pull up at night. She still pees a lot at night, so I don't think she will be going to bed in panties quite yet.
I have to admit, that we kind of lucked out & it really wasn't that hard for us. I know I have talked about it before, but I think she really wanted to around the time she turned 2, which was also the time Sophie was born, so we delayed. She was totally over her diapers, so we switched to pull ups & she thought those were the greatest thing ever so that helped slow down the potty training until we were used to having a newborn in the house.
Fast forward to this past summer. We encouraged her going to the potty & "practiced" quite a bit, but I never pushed her because it was a busy summer & we were traveling a lot. When our summer slowed down, we started reinforcing it again & I started taking her out of the house in her panties & we continued "practicing". She always did pretty good so I was hoping to have her diaper free before school started. Literally the weekend before school started we ran errands all day & she was in her panties & we went potty in every store in town & she did great. Then we got home & she had an accident within 5 minutes of being home. I was disappointed & even though we didn't get on to her, she must have noticed the disappointment in the tone in my voice, because for the next 2 weeks, she refused to wear her panties. So, last Friday, when she woke up, I hid all of her diapers & told her that she could only wear panties during the day & that diapers were only for sleeping. She might have had a little melt down, but she obliged. I knew it was a good time to practice because she wouldn't go back to school until Tuesday. She only had 1 accident last weekend & that was when her friend came over to play on Saturday. I think she was so busy playing that she forgot. Well her friend is 5 & she was grossed out that Sadie had an accident she started making fun of her. I was nervous at first, but it didn't seem to affect Sadie, if any thing, it probably helped because she wanted to wear panties & go potty like Hadley :)
I didn't want her to regress, so I e-mailed her teacher on Monday night to let her know that Sadie would be coming to school in panties for the first time. I was a little nervous because I didn't know how she would do without Bryan or I around asking her all the time, but I was pleasantly surprised when I picked her up from school on Tuesday & she had the same outfit on! And then the same thing happened at MOPS on Wednesday & again at school on Thursday. It is amazing how quickly she transitioned once we removed her pull ups. They really were just a clutch & she didn't need them anymore, but she had to realize that. And it's amazing how long she can hold it. I don't even ask her anymore if she needs to go, because I feel she is finally in tune with her body & she tells me when she is ready to go.
I know this is another long blog, but I do have one picture to share:
It was spirit day at school on Thursday & she had her school shirt on, but I let her have a lollipop & we were cheering because she didn't have an accident at school. Honestly, I don't know why I was so worried about her having an accident, because she has probably only had 5 accidents total since we have started this whole process, but I have a feeling we might go through a few more when we start night training her!

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