Monday, October 13, 2014

Pool Party!

Greg came over on Friday afternoon to finally start turning on the pool since we officially had water. He turned on the grotto first so we could experience the sounds & the waves:

Sadie was so excited! I sent a text to our family with this picture that read "introducing Ariel's grotto" you know, Ariel - from The Little Mermaid?! That's what our neighbor has been calling it but when I said it out loud, Sadie said "no, that's Sadie's grotto!"
We left to grab a quick dinner while he continued turning all of the lights & pumps on. When we got back, it was beautiful! The sun was setting & he had everything running for us:

We have LED lights in the pool & the hot tub that change colors, so it was pretty cool watching it change from red to purple to blue to green. All of the waterfalls look awesome & sound even better then they look. We had a few problems, but nothing major & those issues will be taken care of. The lights on the tanning ledges wouldn't turn on & the light in the grotto wouldn't turn on. And the waterfall descending from the spa was a little un-even. It is running freely on one side & not the other. Unfortunately he said we needed to wait another 30 minutes before we got in the pool because he had just put the chemicals in it, so we had ice cream:

Poor Sophie didn't have a clue what was going on. She did not partake in the ice cream or get in the pool. Since she has been sick, I fed her a bottle outside & then put her to bed. Actually, I should clarify. After the bottle she vomited everywhere & christened our new patio furniture & pavers :(
Sadie & Bryan didn't waste any time:
They stood on the ledge for a while because it was pretty cold, but Sadie finally dove right in!
She was a little afraid of the grotto probably because it was dark:
But she loved the hot tub:
She actually calls this her baby pool :) Unfortunately, we can't turn on the heaters for a couple of weeks, so I am glad they went swimming on Friday night because we had a cold front blow in this weekend. We may not be able to swim, but I am thoroughly enjoying looking outside & hearing the sound of the waterfalls while I relax. Here's to many more pool parties in our future!

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