Wednesday, August 27, 2014

End of Summer Play Date

My friend Mia invited us over this week for one last play date before we all get busy this fall. Her son, Jordan, is also starting pre-school so our play dates will continue to be few & far between. As soon as we got there, Sadie & Jordan ran to the trampoline - nothing could stop these two from jumping like crazy, not even the heat!

While we were out there, I tried something new with Sophie:

I tried letting her go down the baby slide & as you can tell, she loved it!
Jamie & her kids were hot outside:
So we eventually followed them inside. Sophie had just as much fun inside as she did outside:
Our play dates are becoming more fun now that she can sit up & play too! Although she did spend some time hanging out with Hayden & she's not quite mobile yet, so they just laid there:
Before we knew it, all of their older siblings had joined them so we grabbed Jordan also & made a group photo out of it:
The kids were also spoiled with lunch. Mia had set up a little hot dog stand with chips & popcorn so the kids were so excited!
Well, my child was happy - that girl loves to eat!
Thanks Mia for inviting us over & opening your home. I hope Jordan enjoys his first year at pre-school as much as Sadie did!

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