Friday, August 22, 2014

Backyard Oasis - Week 3

After I blogged about the pool last Friday afternoon, the plumbers continued to work hard. They stayed until 8:00 Friday night & then they were there first thing Saturday morning. Thank goodness they finished up on Saturday & filled in the trench because we had a horrible storm on Sunday morning. The pool has actually been full of water all week from that storm, granted it didn't look like very pretty water. We also finished our homework assignment - I sprayed down the pool every morning & Bryan sprayed it down every night. It was a literal mess every time we stomped around back there in the mud with the watering hose. But here's a look at our pool equipment since the plumbers finished:

The week started off quiet again while we were waiting on the cement to "cure". Finally the electricians & stone guys showed up around lunch time on Thursday. The poor electricians had to dig another trench just like the plumbers. It was smaller, but it went farther. It had to go to the front side of our house, along the garages:

Apparently we are going to have 3 small lights (1 on each tanning ledge & 1 in the grotto) & then 2 big lights in the main pool. All are LED.
I have enjoyed watching the stone guys at work. They truly are artists. They come with a ton of different size rocks & stones & each piece is custom fit:
I should back up. They actually laid the tile first, which is a blue color, around the inside of the pool:
Then they started cutting all of the stone for the coping:
While this was going on, another guy was rounding the corner edges of our hot tub. The edge will have a soft corner instead of coming to a 90 degree angle so you can lay your head back. Pretty cool, huh?! That wasn't our idea - we stole it from someone else!
When these guys left at 8:00 that night, all of the coping had been customized to fit. When we woke up the next morning, they were already hard at work. By lunchtime, all of the coping was finished & in place:

The pictures don't do it justice, because everything is really dusty & you can't quite see the brown colors in the blue tile or see the sheen that it should reflect when it's wet. I was also super excited to see the glass tile being laid in the hot tub:
It looks awesome! It is actually small 1 x 1 inch glass tile in black, but when the sun hits it, it reflects all sorts of colors. And you really see a lot of blue glimmers against the blue tile. I will get a better, close up shot of that once they get it grouted.
They also started cutting & shaping the stone to form the hot tub:

And then they are using a different, darker stone to form the grotto:
The stone guys have a ton of work to do because they still have to build the fireplace & the outdoor kitchen after they finish the pool. The electricians on the other hand, said they would be finished today:
So far I am still enjoying the process, but granted it's only week 3. If we were only building the pool, we would definitely be swimming in September, but I know our overall project is still going to take longer since they haven't even started working on the outdoor living space yet.

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