Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back to Summer Fun

Since we are home from Austin, Sadie is home from her grandparents & finally Sophie is getting back to normal, we have spent the last 2 days making up time from our sick days at home. Yesterday we got invited over for a play date at our neighbors house. They moved in while we were on vacation & we finally met them recently & luckily they have 3 kids around our girls' age. Sadie is in the middle of their 2 oldest & their youngest was born a month before Sophie. I tell you what, it sure is convenient to be able to walk to your play date:

On a side note, Sadie is really into her sunglasses these days. She doesn't wear them long, but she always wants to put them on when Bryan or I am wearing them. But for some reason she puts them on upside down every single time! And Sophie just loves her little pink car. She has finally discovered the steering wheel so she is always driving herself around :)
Our new neighbors have a big swing set & the swings are set really low, so Sadie discovered a new way to swing:
We had so much fun with our new neighbors so I have a feeling we will be playing with them often!
When we got home from our play date, Sophie got to have lunch:
Why is this significant? Because she hadn't eaten food in 2 weeks! She was so sick for so long she could barely keep down her bottles. She finally finished her Zofran on Sunday, so Monday was her first day of normal bottles again & after she successfully handled that we finally introduced baby food again on Tuesday. Yummy!
Today was Sadie's last day at summer camp. She was so excited that she was matching Sophie this morning so she asked if I would take her picture. Clearly I had just woken Sophie up & she had not had her bottle, so she wasn't in the mood to smile yet:
Sadie loves going to camp but when I drop her off, she always wants me to stay a little while so I can watch her in action. I always stay for 5 or 10 minutes, then I sneak off when she is busy with a friend playing. She never cries or worries when I leave, but for some reason she likes for me to stay so she can show off her skills :)
When I walked in to pick her up, this is what I saw:
I think she is going to miss her little day camps, but school will quickly replace it.
After we left camp, we went straight to a pool party. Our neighbor decided to have all of the moms & kids over before the older kids start school on Monday. It's so exciting being included with the neighborhood moms now that I have a daughter who is getting older! For the longest time I wasn't included because I didn't have kids. Sadie was starving as soon as we got there so she had to eat (of course):
Then she swam for a bit while I visited with the other moms. Sophie got to hang out with us as well because I was too lazy to get in the water with her today:
The older kids even took turns doing the ice bucket challenge & taking videos of themselves. They are too funny!
We did have one accident at the pool today & unfortunately it was our first one. I have seen this happen at several pool parties, but it is the first time is has happened to my daughter. For the most part Sadie was being good & playing in the hot tub & on the tanning ledge like she always does, but she really wanted to go play with Hadley who was at the other side of the pool. She decided to monkey walk the side of the pool from the shallow end to the deep end. I saw her doing this, so I walked along side her like I always do, just in case she gets tired & drops in. She made it to the end & stopped on a step & then she decided to do it again to the other side of the pool where the waterfalls are. There is a bench that runs pretty long besides the back of the pool along the waterfalls & she was playing on there & I don't think she realized that the bench ended & dropped off to about 5 feet deep. I was pretty close to her, but I was holding Sophie so my heart sank & I just started screaming for someone to help her because I couldn't jump in with Sophie. Unfortunately, some of the older boys (who we always call our lifeguards) had gotten out of the pool to play basketball & there was only smaller kids in the pool, so the host of the party, Adrienne, jumped in the pool with her clothes on & grabbed her. Luckily Sadie was smart enough to try & reach for the side of the pool, but she was too far away to reach it. And also we are fortunate that she is pretty good in the water & can hold her breath for quite a long time for someone her size so she was totally unphased by what happened. She started crying when Adrienne pulled her out, but I think it was because she was embarrassed. Needless to say 5 minutes later she was back in the pool trying to monkey walk again. I had to have a talk with her about staying in the "baby pool" aka hot tub or on the tanning ledge unless an adult got in with her & that's where this picture came from:
She spent the next 30 minutes sitting in the hot tub looking all depressed while the big kids got to play on the other side of the pool without her. Pool girl! I tell you what, it was definitely scary but I was also confident at the same time because her swimming lessons have paid off. But it's still a good reminder that she's only 2 1/2 so someone has to have their eyes on her at all times!

1 comment:

  1. How scary! So glad it was ok and didn't scare her too bad!
