Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Color Coordinated

In case I haven't mentioned it, I did absolutely nothing during my first two trimesters & since we got home from out Labor Day trip to the Bahamas, I have been working overtime! I mean literally, I didn't do anything to prepare for our second child until my third trimester. And the last 2 months have been full of shopping, planning & projects around the house! My goal was to have everything done by Thanksgiving so the few weeks I have in December I can relax & enjoy the holidays before the baby arrives.
This past weekend we finally wrapped up a few things & one of them was cleaning out & re-organizing Bryan's office. He works from home so this is really his domain but I try to help out since I am the organizational freak in the house :) Apparently, I might not be the only one.....
Sadie found our pile of hanging folders & started playing with them. I say playing, but actually I think she was organizing. I walked into the living room & this is what I found:

Yes, she opened every file, spread them out across the living room floor & color coordinated them! I guess some of my antics are rubbing off on her - sorry Bryan!

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