Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Most days, Sadie wants to run around bare footed. I don't know why?! I guess I am usually barefoot when I am around the house, but other than that, Bryan & I always wear shoes. Of course we let Sadie run around barefoot in the house, but we have always put shoes on when we leave or go outside. For some reason though, she always takes them off :( Almost every time we get in the car, she takes them off before we get to our final destination. Her teachers at school the other day even asked if she was ok to run around without shoes on because they said she takes them off every time I drop her off. Why doesn't that surprise me?
On the flip side, she loves to wear my shoes or Bryan's shoes! She is constantly going in our closets & trying to walk out in a pair of our shoes. It is so cute :) In fact, my sister caught the cutest picture of her recently when she was walking around in her shoes. If any of you follow my sister's blog, then you have probably already seen this pic, but I just had to share it anyway:
Maybe I should try sending her out in public in one of our pairs - that way they may actually stay on!

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