Monday, August 26, 2013

Another Aquarium

Last week, Sadie & I met our friends at

I know, this was our 3rd trip to the aquarium this month. What can I say - Sadie really likes aquariums!
All of the kids & their moms kind of went at their own pace while walking the aquarium - some stayed in their strollers, some ran around so I didn't take many pictures but I was able to wrangle one group shot of Sadie with her friends:
At the end of the aquarium, they had an indoor playground where the kids were able to run/slide off a lot of the excess energy!
Sadie & Tatum cracked me up because they crawled underneath this area & were just hanging out like it was a "girls only club - no boys allowed!"
This aquarium is located in the Grapevine Outlet Mall, so after we left the aquarium we strolled the mall which was much more relaxing for the moms. It's amazing how calm & quiet the kids can be when you are pushing them! We actually got to visit for a while. But eventually the kids got hungry so we went to the food court for lunch:
We have had such a fun summer hanging out with all of our friends, but I have a feeling the play dates may slow down after Labor Day :(

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