Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stroller Time

Since we haven't gotten Sadie out much, she hadn't been in her stroller yet. We usually have her in her car seat when we go to restaurants but we haven't had her out for an extended period of time besides eating :) And I thought since she was a winter baby we wouldn't be going outside until the spring - until today. Who knew that it would be in the 70's & totally sunny the last day in January?! So Bryan & I took advantage of the beautiful weather & took Sadie for her first walk around the neighborhood. We enjoyed getting out & seeing some of our neighbors also. Our sweet Hadley across the street has been so excited to see Baby Sadie! She comes over to the house & knocks on the door, so she was even more excited when she saw us walking around with her. As usual, I had to take pictures to document our first outing. Hopefully we will enjoy the outdoors more as the weather continues to warm up.

But you know this little diva - she falls asleep as soon as we put her in something that moves.....

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